Moonrise Kingdom
A couple of weeks ago I went to the cinema with a friend to see 'Moonrise Kingdom', the newest of Wes Anderson's wonderful films, and it does not disappoint! 'Moonrise Kingdome' tells the story of a young boy and girl who decide to run away together, prompting a search party to go out and find them. I'm fairly new to Anderson's films having only seen 'The Darjeeling Limited' and 'I Heart Huckabees' previously, but I love his style and I recognised the familiar cast members Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray, and Francis McDormand who appear in many of his other films! He has such a unique way of writing and filming, with unusual camera angles capturing all the little details, and often creating surreal scenarios. Watching his films is such a breath of fresh air.

Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward, who play the young boy and girl, do such a great job at capturing the innocence of the pair, and their naive, but good intentions in trying to escape together! It made me nostalgic for the days when life was easy and I didn't have a care in the world! (That makes me sound like I have a really tough life....I don't, I just mean, the film makes me long for the days when I was a child with no responsibilty! You know what I mean!)
It's such a sweet film and genuinely really funny too, so I would definitely recommend this film if you are looking for something that is light hearted and will leave you with a smile on your face!
Would be interesting to see what others thought of the film, let me know!
Zahra x
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