Sunday, 17 June 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to my Dad!! Love you lot's and lot's! (He's probably not going to read this, but just in case he does...) Just a quick post today to show you the card that I made for my Dad for Father's day today!I found the idea for this origami shirt on Pinterest, but the tutorial for it can be found on Martha Stewart's website here. The tutorial explains how to make the shirt out of paper, but I have a massive scrap fabric bag which happened to have one of my Dad's old shirts in it so I decided to cover the paper with fabric! I think it turned out quite nicely! We (me and my brothers) have always made cards for birthday's and other occasions such as Mother and Father's day's, but I'm starting to struggle for ideas so if anyone else has made cards for Father's Day, or any other occasion for that matter, send it my way (as in a picture...not the actual card!). 

It's sunny and lovely here, so we decided to go for a walk through the fields, which is something that I miss a lot when I'm at uni! (I can hear the cows mooing when I have my bedroom window open at night at home!) We walked to the local village where I went to school and had a lovely little pub lunch, and on the way we saw a field full of these!!

It went a bit cloudy for a little bit, so the photo is a little dark, but they were SO CUTE! And I'm sure they could understanding me when I was baaaaa-ing to them! We did at one point have to risk our lives and climb over AN ELECTRIC FENCE because the path was too treacherous to walk through (it was a bit muddy..) but it was totally worth it in the end! Anyway, I'm off to go and see what Pop is up to (he hates it when I call him that) but I hope you all enjoy your Sunday afternoon! 

Zahra x

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