Sooooo I thought I would do a post on someone who really inspires me, Tim Burton. Before the summer of last year, I never really knew that much about him, or had any real interest in him. But this all changed when I was on holiday in Melbourne and had the opportunity to go to an exhibition of his work at the ACMI. I was amazed at how talented he really is! He's worked on so many amazing films, like Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate factory, Edward Scissor hands, Batman, Sweeney Todd and loads more. Not only are they all amazing, but pretty much all of them have Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp, whom I think we can all agree are also uhhhmazing! His unique drawing style, and his use of amusing and clever characters are all part of the reason why I think he's so good. Seriously, you should check out his website (linked above), it's so cool!! You can have a look at his art work, and drawings, and the best bit is that you are guided round the website by Stain Boy, who leaves a dark stain on the floor where ever he stands. LOL...endless hours of fun.
"For Tim Burton, drawing is the excercise for a restless imagination." Ron Magliozzi
Some photos from the exhibition at the ACMI in Melbourne.

Edward Scissor Hands.
Queen of Hearts
His amazing character creations!
Stain boy himself. :)
Even if you don't find his work inspirational, you can't dispute its coolness can you?! I was thinking I might make this a weekly feature - 'People who inspire me.' Though it needs a more catchy name methinks! I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know, who inspires you?
I have lots of ideas for other weekly features stay tuned (stay tuned? Surely that's for radio/TV) for that!
Have a lovely day! x
Tim Burton is a genius! I loved his version of Alice and Wonderland.