Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Gemma Correll
So this is a post about an amazing illustrator who I've been meaning to blog about for ages but just haven't got round to it. UNTIL NOW. Her name is Gemma Correll and I came across her randomly on one of my many (frequent) procrastination expeditions.
Gemma is all about the 'cutesy' (a term that she may or may not hate...), with the majority of her work heavily featuring cats and pugs. Now I don't mind dogs, but I really don't enjoy cats. Unless they are kittens. So it's no surprise that the thought of a t-shirt with a cat or dog on it, would not excite nor enthral me in the slightest. It is a testament to Gemma therefore, that whilst I would not actually buy nor wear a t-shirt with a picture of a cat or dog on it, I would definitely consider a phone case, and some fridge magnets! I should mention that she does draw other animals also, but cat's and dogs are the large majority.
If you've been to Urban Outfitters recently, you'll have probably seen the 'Pugs not Drugs' tee's, loitering on the trendy rails waiting to be snapped up. They're by Gemma Correll! I'm probably sounding a little more excited about this than I actually am, but still, props to her for drawing a t-shirt-worthy pug! Her designs can be found in WHSmith's and Paperchase also. Completely unsurprising, yet also quite comforting knowing, should I suddenly have a nostalgic urge to dash out and purchase all my new stationary for the academic year, Gemma Correll is at hand! (A moot point considering I'm just embarking upon my final term at university *sob*)
If you've ticked everything off your 'to do' list today, and are twiddling your thumbs, then go and check out her website and have a browse! Even if you only make it to her home page, roll over the different linky things, and experience unprecedented delight as they illuminate with colour. Trust me, it's worth it. And if you've decided that the home page is, in fact, fantastic, and you want to see more, then check out some of the links! I would recommend the daily diaries, the blog and the portfolio. She's not only a talented illustrator, but also clever in the humour that she uses in her illustrations which makes it all that much better! ...I'm sure there was probably a better way of writing that sentence but shhhh. It's late.
Let me know what you thought if you had a look!
Gemma Correll,
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Happy 2013!
Happy New Year! I thought I'd ease my self into 2013 with a simple little post, looking back on some of my favourite collected images of 2012. These are all from my Pinterest, so go and follow me on there if you'd like to see some more awesome images that I've pinned! (search, Zahra Mair)

I hope you've enjoyed this post. They do a good job at highlighting a few of the things that I've been loving this year, and they're such beautiful images that I think they speak for themselves.
I hope you all had a lovely New Year! x
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